Thursday, April 23, 2009

The first try...

I got a dandy little shower timer for earth week.
Exactly five minutes when the sand runs out.
I have yet to try it out. It will definitely be a challenge when I do tho.
Something I have tried on the other hand is 'plugging the tub while showering' test. If by the end of your shower you're using less water than it would take to have a bath then that's a good thing. I am proud to say i passed the test. However, it was pretty close. I also thought to do something somewhat clever. I used that excess water to shave my legs in! Saves time, water and I still get to be feminine! So that's one of my tricks. My other one is since I have extremely thick hair I can get away with washing my hair every other day because it doesn't get as greasy as fast. So that cuts down my time as well.
Maybe once I get really, really good at showering in under 5 minutes I will reward myself by getting a shower head that releases less water at a time and some biodegradable towels.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Do something sustainable. Take action. Be knowledgeable. Spread the word.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This blog, in a nutshell, is chronicling the quest to becoming environmental friendly.

Yesterday I was sitting watching a documentary called 'Flow'.

It's about the privitization of water all around the world, bottle water industry, and mind boggling facts about where all the fresh water is going. WATCH IT.

Case in point, it made me ashamed to be an American. It made me ashamed to be so incredibly ignorant. It made me want to boycott. It moved me.

But saving the Earth is such a daunting thing. How does one go about doing it?

Well others might have their ways of going about it, but my way is to work towards showering in under 5 minutes.

I'm the kind of girl that likes to sit in the hot water and steam for an hour. The pealing paint and warped floor of the house we've been living in for 13 yrs. is proof of that.

But now that I know that there are people all over the world dieing because they have to resort to highly polluted water because they can't pay the price for clean water, it is a luxury I am willing to go without.

And let me point out, when i say highly polluted I mean HIGHLY POLLUTED. There is a slaughter house in La Paz in which it dumps the excess animal blood and feces into a stream. People bathe and drink from this because they have no other choice!

It is the very, very least I can do to shower in under 5 minutes.

NOTE TO READERS: I would love to get some feedback. Tell me what you think. Questions and comments. Is there anything you would to have adressed?